of Prop. 64 are attempting to woo voters with statistics on how
African Americans are arrested for cannabis at higher rates than
everyone else. But what they fail to mention is that Prop.
64 won't legalize any of the offenses African Americans get arrested
for. They also neglect to
mention that in states that have legalized, racial
disparity in arrests either continues unabated, or gets even worse.
reality is, Prop. 64 only legalizes the two cannabis offenses almost no one
– including African Americans – ever gets arrested for:
possessing an ounce or less (which literally no one gets arrested for
since it's been a non-arrestable infraction since 2011) and growing 6
plants or less. The offenses urban communities of color are most
likely to get busted for – selling, possessing more than one ounce,
and transporting – would remain totally illegal,
punishable by up to 4 years in prison... unless,
of course, you are one of the wealthy and connected few who can
afford the licenses to circumvent these prohibitions.
while Prop. 64's supporters wildly misconstrue the impact the
initiative would have on black communities as a way to gain sympathy
and votes, in actuality, Prop. 64 will do nothing to keep African
Americans out of jail for pot, and in all likelihood, it would lock
even more people of color up. Prop. 64 would let the rich get richer
selling weed “legally,” while urban and poor people of color
continue to be imprisoned and have their lives destroyed for doing
the same thing.
claim the only way to end racial disparity in arrests is to pass
Prop. 64. But
in both Washington and Colorado, African
Americans are still arrested at disproportionately higher rates
after legalization. In
Colorado, African
Americans are arrested at even
more disproportionate rates than before legalization,
according to a new report
from the Colorado Department of Public Safety, and “intent
to sell” arrests shot up 50 percent
the first year. This is because poor, urban communities remain
heavily policed, making them easy targets even under legalization.
in California, no one gets arrested for carrying the ounce that
Prop. 64 would legalize. However, what African Americans are
arrested disproportionately for is selling cannabis –
crime which Prop. 64 would legalize only for those wealthy and
connected enough to buy licenses. Racial disparity in
arrests would therefore only increase, because selling and other weed
crimes would still be illegal for young, urban people of color.
worse, Prop. 64 reinstates something similar to the “three strikes,
you're out” policy that has so decimated black and poor
communities. A third offense in almost any category –
possessing more than one ounce, selling any amount, transporting, and
even sharing cannabis for those aged 18-20 – could land people in
prison for up to 4 years. And who generally gets
arrested again for the same offense? People in heavily policed
neighborhoods. So, the seemingly lower penalties Prop. 64 supporters
talk about won't really apply to most young people of color.
Prop. 64, even sharing
any amount of cannabis would be a crime punishable by jail for young
people aged 18-20 – even
though it is not a crime today. This group – which
includes most college students – would face up to 6 months in jail
and a $500 fine for simply sharing a joint. But if they have certain
priors, they could be sentenced to state prison for 4 years... for
sharing weed. And any misdemeanor conviction makes offenders ineligible for
government assistance programs, including student aid, welfare, and
public housing. This would negatively impact black communities more
than any other.
64 would only free those whose crimes would not have been illegal if
the initiative had been the law at the time of the offense. But Prop.
64 only legalizes simple possession and growing 6 plants. Since no
one in California is serving time for possession, that only leaves
growing 6 plants or less, which Prop. 64 would legalize only under
strict local regulations. So, if there were any people locked up for
growing 6 plants and they were abiding by the strict regulations
Prop. 64 would impose, then theoretically, they could be freed. But
in reality, this is highly unlikely.
64 only allows adults 21 and older to cultivate marijuana, and then
only a MAXIMUM of six plants, and then ONLY if their local
jurisdiction allows such cultivation, and THEN only if the cultivator
complies with ALL the conditions which local jurisdictions are
allowed to place on its residents,” states California attorney
Letitia Pepper. “If this isn't what you thought Prop. 64 means,
better read the whole thing and think about what it says. It is BAD.”
2014, California passed Prop. 47, which downgraded simple possession
of almost all
from felonies to misdemeanors. One million people will be positively
impacted and thousands have been released from jail or received
lighter sentences thanks to Prop. 47. So, California is already
drastically reducing drug arrests and the prison population in the
communities most damaged by harsh drug laws – no convoluted,
corporate legalization initiative necessary.
be fooled by the rhetoric. Prop. 64 will only benefit the wealthy.
Prop. 64 is bad for black communities and bad for all urban youth.
Simply perpetuates prohibition, discrimination, prosecution and criminalization